The conference invites researchers from the Nordic and Baltic countries who use or are interested in the cultural and activity theoretical approaches.
Konventum Conference Centre (LO-Skolen)
16-18 June 2016
Gl. Hellebækvej 70
3000 Elsinore (Helsingør)
Call for Papers Open: November 1st 2015
Submission deadline: January 15th 2016
Registration deadline: May 25th 2016
Conference website:
Download as pdf: Folder – second announcement
A Nordic Perspective on the Cultural and the Activity Approach in Theory and Practice
The Nordic countries have a strong theoretical and practice tradition of cultural-historical approaches to investigating and/or intervening human practices and everyday life. These include early childhood learning and play, children’s school life and education, youth life, as well as work life and organization of processes.
The 7th Nordic conference provides a cross-disciplinary forum for exchanging ideas, exploring common interests, addressing various theoretical, practice-related, and societal issues, as well as for establishing new possibilities for collaboration among researchers and practitioners who share an interest in cultural-historical approaches.
Transformations of human life conditions (e.g. new technologies, new public management, or migration) create ongoing need for cultural-historical research and professional practices. Contributions from these perspectives are important for future societies as they both contribute with reflections on societal issues and with theoretical, methodological, and practical advancements
The conference invites those who work within such areas as research of education, human learning, development, new technologies, work practices and organizational transformations, health practice and social work to confront these issues.
Themes and Topics
- Learning and development of children, youth, and adults
- Professional education, training, and practice
- Transformations of work and organizations
- Scientific practices; innovation practices
- Disabilities and development
- Technology and the practice of everyday life
- New learning environments based on information technologies
- Social pedagogy and community development
Presentation Forms
Poster sessions: 5 posters – ½ hour for reading all together; 1 hour for open discussions led by a moderator
Individual Papers: 20 min. presentation; 10 min. open discussion
Symposium: Self structured; max. 2 hours
Panel Discussion: To provide the opportunity for critical discussions of a vital theme or a current societal issue. The committee welcomes suggestions for possible themes and participants.
Suggestions should be sent to Louise Böttcher: [email protected]
NB: Each participant of the conference may give only one poster or paper presentation.
Cost (including conference, accommodation, meals, and conference dinner): 4400 DKK.
Scientific Committee
Mariane Hedegaard, Professor, Dr. Phil. Department of Psychology, Copenhagen University
Jytte Bang, Associate professor, Ph.D. Department of Psychology, Copenhagen University
Louise Böttcher, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Aarhus University
Ernst Scraube, Associate professor, Ph.D. Department of Psychology, Roskilde University
Seth Chaiklin, Researcher, UCC – University College Capital, [email protected]
Lutine de Wal Pastoor, Senior Researcher, Ph.D. Educational Anthropology
The Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies
Hans Knutagård , Associate Professor, Ph.D., Department of Health and Society, Kristianstad University, Sweden
Hanna Toiviainen, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Center for Research on Activity, Development and Learning, University of Helsinki
Milda Bredikyte, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Department of Didactics of Psychology, Vilnius Pedagogical University
Thurídur Jóhannsdóttir, Associate Professor, Ph.D. School of Education, University of Iceland.
Local Organizing Committee
Jytte Bang, University of Copenhagen, [email protected]
Louise Böttcher, Aarhus University, [email protected]
Seth Chaiklin, UCC – University College Capital, [email protected]
Mariane Hedegaard, University of Copenhagen, [email protected]
General information: Mariane Hedegaard [email protected]
Panel discussion: Louise Bøttcher [email protected]
Payment: Jan Majfred [email protected]